Angel Numbers

The belief in the divine relationship between one or more coincident with one or more number or sequence of numbers is known as Numerology. Though numerology falls in the category of astrology, it is often associated with divinatory arts and paranormal entities. In numerology, there are 5 core numbers: life path number, birthday number, expression number, personality number, and heart’s desire number. Angel Number is considered to be a part of Numerology. So what is angel number, why is it great to see them everywhere and how can you calculate yours? In this guide, all your queries have been resolved!

What is an Angel Number?

Do you ever see numbers with repeating sequences (111, 333, 444 etc)? Do you ever see that number repeatedly in several different contexts — on your phone, on a license plate, on a grocery receipt, etc?

You may assume these sightings are mere coincidences. But according to numerologists and spiritual guides, angels are known to speak to humans in synchronistic ways to get our attention and send us messages from the universe. These are called angel numbers, each with different vibrational energy and significance.

What do Angel Numbers Symbolize?

Angel numbers work according to the principles of numerology. This means that each number is connected to some sort of vibrational energy and has its own meaning that is beyond its numeric value. Angel numbers symbolize a sort of divine acknowledgment to continue with your life choices or career decisions.

Common Sequences and Their Meaning

A repeating number sequence is easy to attract our attention. But obviously, each different sequence has a specific meaning to it. Here the most common sequences of angel numbers and their signification:



This sequence is an indicator that you can confidently move forward with whatever decision you’re facing. Your plans are likely to succeed. Now is the time to take bold, calculated risks and be proactive in pursuing your goals.



This is a reminder from the angels that you don’t need to have all the answers. If you are lacking direction or clarity regarding a specific decision, be still and have faith. Focus on enjoying the present moment and rely on divine providence.



This sequence is an angelic reminder that you’ve been given your unique gifts for a specific vocation. Don’t doubt the unique call on your life just because others don’t understand or support it. This is your confirmation to move confidently in the direction of your dreams.



When you see this sequence, it’s a reminder you’re not alone in the struggles, hardships, or heartache you might be experiencing. Your team of angels is surrounding you, protecting you, and ushering you towards healing. You will emerge victoriously!



Seeing this sequence often is a sign that change is on the horizon. The universe is clearing out the old to make room for a glorious and expansive new future. Try not to resist these shifts, however uncomfortable they may be, but embrace them as essential for your highest good. It’s all working out for your good.



This sequence can be a warning that you may be focusing disproportionately on one area of life, causing other aspects to suffer. Do a self-evaluation and assess if your priorities are aligned with your core values. Then make adjustments accordingly, and you’ll soon regain vitality and perspective.



Seeing this number can be an indication you’re undergoing a spiritual evolution or shift. It can also be a sign you need to prioritize your spiritual growth in order to get unstuck and unleash supernatural blessings into your life.



This sequence has a two-fold meaning – the end of one chapter on one hand, and the abundant new life awaiting you on the other. Do your best to maintain an attitude of abundance and a posture of gratitude during this time so that the blessings can freely flow.



This number indicates that something you’ve been working or investing in is about to be completed and bear fruit. The angels might be inviting you to initiate the final stages…or prepare you to release them more readily when the time comes.

How to Calculate Your Angel Number?


“Did you know you have an angel number based on your birth date, and you can calculate it right now?!

Here’s how:

Write down your date of birth in a numeral sequence. For example, a person born on 17th December 1998 will have the numeric sequence: 17121998

Add those numbers together: (1+7+1+2+1+9+9+8) = 38

Add these two numbers together: 3+8 = 11

The angel number is 11.

Conclusion: The numbers 11, 22, or 33 hold a strong spiritual significance and are referred to as master numbers.

Now you try!
(Then be on the lookout…)

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Leo Buscaglia

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